Sun 29 May 2011
The Chicken Hilton is Fully Occupied!
Posted by Bob under Chickens
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Our fourteen chicks, which arrived on April 27th, will be five weeks old tomorrow. Starting out in a plastic tub, they grew so fast that they soon had to be transferred to a 4×4 foot brooder which we constructed. Three days ago they moved into the chicken coop we’ve been constructing with a friend for the past several months–first into the hen house for three nights and today into the roofed run as well. Monika’s nephew from Germany, Felix, grand-daughter Cally, and my son Nic helped move the chicks into their new home. Today we opened the door to the run and, gingerly, out they came.
Eggs aren’t expected until September or October, but they’re providing a fascinating show in the meantime, and they appear to love their new digs.
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