Sun 29 May 2011
Veggie Garden in May
Posted by Bob under Vegetable Garden
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Today I pulled our spinach and kale plants, which were bolting in the heat, and this seems representative of the shift from the spring to the summer garden. We’ve been harvesting lettuce, spinach, collards, kale, swiss chard, turnips, kohlrabi, radish, and snap and snow peas, but now the potato (6 varieties) and tomato plants (14 varieties) are flowering, and squash, pepper, eggplant, beans, and edamame are planted and on their way, in addition to longer-maturing spring plantings like beets, fennel, and parsnips. Starting a number of plants from seed under grow lights indoors gave us a head start. Onions and garlic, planted last fall, will probably be harvested in late June. So far it’s been a good spring for growing–regular rains and temperatures not too high. The eating has been good!
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