Mon 5 Sep 2011
First Eggs!
Posted by Bob under Chickens
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At an age of 18 weeks and four days, the first of our fourteen hens laid an egg in one of the egg-laying boxes in the henhouse! A second egg appeared the next day, and another two days later (today). Left: Monika holds the first egg–now with the insides blown out and preserved for posterity. As it happened, we had company arriving that day, and Raymond can be seen proudly holding the second egg below. While first eggs are typically small, they have firm brown shells and deep-orange yokes…. and they went into an omelet this morning. Monika’s loving care seems to have produced happy and productive chickens!
Hey, I understand Nic is coming to Philadelphia for the year! You are welcome to stay with us when visiting and Nic can bunk here while looking for a place if he likes.
Gosh!!!! If the chicken that laid this piuny little egg is the same as the one that laid the GUINESS sized egg, I would like to know what drugs you are feeding them, so that I can try that out too. I do have to feed a large family, and a regular dozen just is NOT enough anymore. Hugs from Portugal. PCC