Thu 27 Oct 2011
500 Eggs and counting…
Posted by Bob under Chickens
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Our 14 hens have been averaging 10-13 eggs per day for the past several weeks, and today our cumulative total surpassed 500! Since we can’t watch the laying boxes inside the coop all the time, we’re not absolutely sure if all the hens are laying (we think that one black australorp is not yet ready) and which eggs come from which hen, although we’re pretty sure that the darker brown eggs come from the Barred Rocks.  Monika continues to spoil her “babies” rotten with special treats, which they gobble up with great gusto.  I guess cold and dark winter days may test us down the road, but so far we enjoy the routine and structure that caring for our flock gives our life here. And they remain fun and fascinating to watch!
Below, some recent pictures and a link to more…
click here for more (annotated) pictures
p.s. We haven’t been eating all these eggs. We’ve been sharing them with friends and neighbors.
what does one do with 500 eggs?
Eat our fill and give away or sell the rest. We know a much broader range of people down here than we ever did in Cherry Hill, and so we’re happy to be able to help some for whom life is pretty tough. (We’ve also given away extra vegetables during the summer, both to individuals and to the Nelson Food Pantry.)
We were the happy recipients of some of those wonderful eggs! The problem is that our children have refused to eat the pale, store bought versions since we arrived back from our visit to Monika and Bob’s.