Wed 15 Aug 2012
Mid-Summer Harvests
Posted by Bob under Chickens, Vegetable Garden
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I harvested most of our potatoes mid-July, but in the past few days, as I’ve dug up part of the potato patch for plantings for the fall garden, I’ve been coming across the ones I missed. So I’m still harvesting! We estimate a total harvest of about 170 pounds of three varieties of yellow potatoes (Satina, Carola, Yukon Gold) and one white potato (Kennebec).  While Satina was the most productive, Monika’s and my eating favorite so far this year has been the Carolas–nice color and great texture and flavor, especially when boiled, mashed, or fried. Our onions were grown from sets rather than seeds, and experience seems to be teaching, as the gardening literature suggests, that onions grown from sets don’t store all that well. We’ve had to throw out quite a few soft ones, and next year I’ll try seeds instead. They taste fine, though.
We continue to get a steady flow of cucumbers, and several varieties of squash, including the prolific and interestingly-shaped Zucchini Rampicante, pictured above near the row of sunflowers we planted this year. Several varieties of pole beans are now coming along strong, and butternut, spaghetti, and acorn squash have spread out extensively and appear to be ripening nicely. Most of our first original tomato plants, after an initial period of high productivity, have succumbed to heat and wilt, but we’re just beginning to get tomatoes from a second planting of wilt-resistant hybrids that I planted in early July.
Our eleven chickens continue to give us 6-8 eggs most days, despite the heat. Between the barred rock on the left and the Rhode Island Reds on the right, Monika holds Poet, one of our two Black Australorps, who has the misfortune to be at the bottom of the local pecking order and therefore gets extra TLC from time to time.
So many potatoes! How will you store them? We eat potatoes several times a week so I should consider growing them, too. Hmmm, another topic to investigate over the winter–how to grow potatoes. Gosh this is fun! You two inspire me!
Well, we raised over 200 pounds last year, and eventually ran out. Between giving some away and using lots for holiday dinners and having a German potato lover in the family, we manage to go through a lot (they go great with fresh chicken eggs in the morning too). But the main thing is that they are incredibly easy to grow. I use the traditional trench method, filling it with dirt as the plants grow and then adding a hill of mulch around the stems. One does have to keep a sharp eye out for Colorado potato beetles and their larvae, but that problem has been quite minor the past two years (partly because I nip it in the bud). Believe me, the potatoes do taste better, and if you’ve read Michael Pollan’s chapter on potatoes in Botany of Desire, you will feel greatly relieved as well.