Thu 29 Nov 2012
The Last Harvest: Parsnips
Posted by Bob under Recipes, Vegetable Garden
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While we continue to get lettuce and other greens from our fall garden, our last real crop harvest was parsnips. Planted in April, I basically left them alone, with their above-ground leafy greens shading and keeping down weeds. I grew two varieties: Harris Model and Hollow Crown, with the former producing on average a better yield; both have a nice nutty flavor.
Wanting to make a dinner that showcased our late fall garden and other local sources, I settled on the following menu, which worked quite nicely: Kibbeh, using ground beef from a one-quarter (cut-up and packaged) cow we purchased from nearby Davis Creek Farm along with mint still thriving in our garden; Mashed Carrots and Turnips, a recipe we’d picked up at the mountain farm exhibit by the Humpback Rocks Visitor Center along the Blue Ridge Parkway, including a golden-top turnip from our garden; and Parsnips Glazed with Sherry, Ginger, Thyme, and Lemon, using some of our just-harvested parsnips along with fresh thyme still growing in our garden. If you’re interested in the recipes, click on: (more…)