Mon 1 Apr 2013
Views Before the Spring Thaw
Posted by Bob under Nature, Our New Home
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Above: Our view to the north; Coop, kennel and house
Full moon setting over snowy mountains
The March snows and cold weather are hopefully gone now. Spring is in the air, and in the last two days our early-march plantings in the vegetable garden have finally started to sprout: snap peas, cilantro, swiss chard, collards, lettuce, and turnips are all belatedly coming up.
This is Charles Tucker, an occasional parishioner at Grace Church. We’ve met in passing after church in the parish hall–I’m usually accompanied by my son, Tuck. I am relatively new to the Grace email distribution but I saw your recent message, and I wanted to send my best wishes to you and Monika. It was in your message also that I discovered the link to your wonderful blog. Many thanks for sharing your musings and beautiful photographs; a visit to Monika’s blog has been edifying as well.
I hope we will have a chance to meet again and chat. We live at Wintergreen but have been spending most Sundays over the past few months in Norfolk, where Tuck has been attending confirmation classes. We look forward to returning to Grace soon.
Until then, best regards,
I do remember you and your son and look forward to getting together again. Thanks for your concern about Monika–we just returned from Johns Hopkins Hospital, where she had her kidney removed in late February, and the good news is that the cancer does not seem to be growing any further at this time.