Thu 28 Aug 2014
Our Summer Veggie Garden
Posted by Bob under Flower/Rock Gardens, Vegetable Garden
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The weather this summer was unusually cooperative, and pest problems were far less than last summer, when it rained almost every day. Beans were our number one crop: so many bushels that we gave many away after filling much of the freezer with parboiled beans. Squash and tomatoes were plentiful; onions, garlic, peppers, cucumbers, and potatoes did reasonably well, although I had to toss out the late-season potatoes because of extensive pest damage. Mexican bean beetles did in the lima beans late in the season. Parsley and basil grew in abundance, and there are many bags of spring snap peas in the freezer (and still getting some turnips and chard planted in the spring).  Overall, a good harvest with lots of good eating!
Holly canned mixed pickles with veggies from both the garden and from the local farmer’s market. She planted a variety of vegetables in her garden at her Lake Monticello home; brussel sprouts and others are coming along.
Flowers and a new friendship bloomed nicely as well!
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