Mon 3 Aug 2015
Spring-Summer 2015 Garden Report
Posted by Bob under Flower/Rock Gardens, Vegetable Garden
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Holly added a flower garden below the veggie one
It was a good year for flowers–plenty of rain, enough sun, not too hot. But things were more complicated in the vegetable garden, with alternating long periods of dryness and continuous rains that upended its usual flow. Tomato hornworms decimated our tomato plants, and Japanese and Mexican bean beetles did in a good part of the later-developing string bean crop and all of the lima beans. An early dry spell made our snap peas tougher and less plump than usual and a later one put an end to originally-promising cucumber and squash production. Extreme wetness in June appears to have wrought extensive rotting in what looked otherwise like a very promising garlic crop. As a former teacher used to grading, I would say it was a C+ year. We were able to enjoy some fresh vegetables and to give and can and freeze some away, but at a level well below the norm of previous years. But the flower gardens bloomed nicely through spring and summer.
Wildlife remained plentiful
Summer’s Bounty
This year’s best new crop award: “Cute Stuff Bell Peppers”
(amazingly early and prolific)
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