Thu 6 Apr 2017
Grandson Felix Comes for His First Visit!!
Posted by Bob under Beer, Family and Friends, Hiking/Sauntering
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My first grandson, Felix, was born on July 8, 2016, while Holly and I were taking our honeymoon cruise in the Mediterranean. We got to see Felix for the first time at Nic and Alison’s place in New Haven in August, and then once again at Christmas at Tim and Megan’s. So it was a big deal to host Felix and his parents at our place for two nights this April! He is, as all his admirers say, adorable, always with a smile on his face. Wonderfully good-natured. In addition to hanging out at our place, we took a walk around nearby Sherando Lake, ending up afterwards, via the rough remains of the old Howardsville Turnpike, at Blue Mountain Brewery. (It was Devils Backbone Brewery the next day.)
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