Sun 2 Jul 2017
June Garden and Rambles
Posted by Bob under Hiking/Sauntering, Nature, Vegetable Garden
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Another trip up Humpback Rocks, this time with Dan Moler. A beautiful day! On a hike there two weeks earlier, Sue Rucker and I got to watch a bear calmly foraging.
Looking at the view to the east from the Blue Ridge Parkway
Having a tree in our front yard taken down (it was shedding large limbs onto the street) revealed multiple snakes living in the hollowed out trunk and limbs. It also enhanced the view from our living room window quite spectacularly.
Back in the vegetable garden, the two types of garlic I grew this year, Inchellium Red and Music, were pulled and laid out to cure in mid-June. 42 bulbs total.
By the beginning of July, our many varieties of lettuce were beginning to bolt, but we’d been regularly harvesting kale, chard, arugula, and other greens for some time, along with a first crop of wax beans, cucumbers, zucchini (enough for six loaves of zucchini bread so far), yellow squash, and a few ripe tomatoes and peppers.
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