Tue 11 Jun 2013
Early June Veggie Garden
Posted by Bob under Vegetable Garden
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An unseasonably cool and wet spring slowed things down a bit, but currently our vegetable garden is booming. Everything planted is now up. We’re harvesting snap peas, lettuce, prize choy, turnips, broccoli, collards, swiss chard, and herbs (parsley and cilantro). Various kinds of beans, cowpeas and cucumbers, are scurrying up my three trellises (I seem to add a new one every year). I don’t think I’ve ever seen such healthy-looking potato plants (with not a single Colorado potato beetle yet, although we do have an ample supply of Mexican bean beetles). This year I tried a new variety of turnip offered by Baker Creek: Boule d’Or. With a flavor both mild and rich, it did fine as a spring crop, despite the advice on the packet to grow it in the fall. With all the stuff coming in, you learn to be creative. Monika and I ate turnip oven fries last night!
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