Tue 26 Aug 2014
Two Local Walks: Crabtree Meadows and Sherando Lake
Posted by Bob under Hiking/Sauntering, Nature
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We drove over the challenging road to Crabtree Meadows, where we were quite surprised to run into Barbara and Marion from Grace Church.  Holly and I then walked a mile down the trail to the top of Crabtree Falls, and then explored the Crabtree Meadows and its wildflowers.  Later in the month we walked around beautiful Lake Sherando on the other side of the Blue Ridge. We’ve been blessed with many perfect days this summer: sunny but not too humid or hot.
We ended our little outing that day at Milmont Nurseries where I snapped the picture below of Holly getting ready to snap her own of the beautiful Blue Ridge to the east.
(note: as with all pictures on this blog, click on image for an enlarged version in a separate window)
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