Sat 14 Nov 2009
A Turkey from Polyface Farm
Posted by Bob under Farms and Food
1 Comment
Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma introduced Joel Salatin and Polyface Farm to its many readers, and since then both have acquired iconic status in the emerging sustainable and local food movement. Salatin himself is a prolific writer, and in addition to his various books, he writes an excellent column in Flavor Magazine, and has been featured in the recent films Food Inc and Fresh (these film links include short clips and photos featuring Salatin).  Duly inspired but also anticipating Thanksgiving dinner, Monika and I drove out to Polyface Farm today. It’s a lovely ride over the mountains and across the Shenandoah Valley to get there. Visitors are invited to explore the farm on foot, which we did. It was fun to see the famous eggmobiles (which transport and house hens in sequential feeding grounds). We left with a Thanksgiving turkey, ham, pork chops and chicken parts (including feet!) for chicken stock, which is bubbling away on the stove as I write this post. More pictures of our visit are available here.
Love your arcadian blog! We’ll plan to visit Polyface farm–and you–as soon as we can.