At the same time on Sunday, January 26, 2014, on two continents, memorial services for Monika Wood were held in Massies Mill, Virginia, USA, and in Reisbach, Lower Bavaria, Germany.
At Grace Church, Massies Mill, 130 people filled every seat in the church for an emotional and beautiful service that drew, at Monika’s request, on the themes and music of the Celtic Evensong service offered in the late afternoon each Sunday. Rev. Marion Kanour also explained that Monika had asked that communion be seen as an opportunity for a last supper of the congregation and her together. At the beginning of the service, Monika’s son John played a Bach prelude. Nic Wood read the scripture. Eulogies were offered by her husband Bob and her eldest son Dan. The alter flowers were donated by Monika’s mother and two sisters. The reception in the parish hall, where four displays of photos of Monika and her family adorned the walls, was festive, celebrating her life as Monika had wished. As always, the Grace community came through with an incredible spread of good food and drink. Sentiment appeared unanimous that the service had been exceptionally beautiful and moving, with everyone mourning the loss of such an extraordinary strong, and wonderful woman, while celebrating the times they had been blessed to have together with her.

click on the images above to see the photo displays at Grace Church
At the memorial service in Reisbach (see pictures above), Monika’s nephew, Moritz Gluekher, played “Halleluja”, composed by Leonard Cohen, on the organ. Monika’s younger sister, Sissi, gave the following eulogy (translated in part by Axel and Anke Goetz):
Eulogy (Nachruf) for Monika Wood by Sissi Gluekher
We had a daughter, sister, sister in law and aunt Monika,
- who left our home in Munich much too soon
- who loved and pursued life above all else, had wide-ranging interests and helped where she saw people in distress
- who always carried out that to which she had set her mind
- who would not let the adversities of life subdue her but rather push back against themÂ
- who gave the world three wonderful boys and gave them a beautiful childhood
- who loved her ever growing family above all else
- who did not forget her family in Germany over all that and who showed her love and closeness in visits and regular contacts
- who, as caring, loving daughter, sister and aunt, gave us unforgettable hours that enriched our lives indelibly
- who knew also what gratefulness means
- who can look back on a fulfilled life for which she had, as much as was in her power, worked with indefatigable effort
- who left us much too soon and left a void that cannot be filled
- who accepted her illness and death and so is a great role model
- who will remain in our hearts and memory as a wonderful human being