Sun 17 Jun 2012
Mid-June Garlic Harvest
Posted by Bob under Vegetable Garden
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Garlic is usually pulled at the end of June or in July around here, but the mild winter and spring seem to have brought the plants to harvesting time early this year. When I planted the cloves (mostly from last year’s harvest) in early October, there were some hardneck cloves that showed slight signs of browning, and as I somewhat suspected, they did not produce new bulbs. But the rest did, for a total of 109 bulbs. In the hardneck category: 14 Appalachian Red, 22 Brown Tempest, 14 Metechi, 33 Music, and 14 Romanian Red (my favorite hardneck last year, both for its spicy taste and its storage qualities, since by and large hardnecks last less long than softnecks). In the softneck category: 19 Inchellium Red (most very large, the product of planting the largest cloves over several years now), and 14 S&H Silverskin. After a day in the sun, they will be curing for several weeks on screens in our cottage in the back. Our hope is that they will get us through to harvesting day next year!