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To celebrate the complete cure of Holly’s hepatitis-c, which she has battled for twenty five years, Holly and I took a two-week Caribbean cruise between January 2nd and 14th.  It was on the Celebrity Summit, partly chosen because it is an older ship that still looks like one, but also because Celebrity has a reputation for particularly fine food, which it definitely lived up to.  Over the two weeks, we visited ten different Southern Caribbean islands.  And along the way we became engaged!  (And Holly, temporarily at least, got dreadlocks!)

In such beautiful settings, we couldn’t resist taking lots of pictures, which I’ve culled and organized mostly island by island.  Click on the links to see pages of relevant pictures (which in turn can be clicked on to see a larger image).

Old San Juan pictures (our departure point and final destination

Tortola (British Virgin Islands): gorgeous mountains and sea

Dominica: rain forests, waterfalls, raging rivers, terrible roads

Martinique: France in the Caribbean, historic buildings, a fabulous botanical garden

St. Kitts: touring the Caribbean and Atlantic coasts , climbing a Volcano, Brimstone Hill Fortress,

Barbados: remnants of sugar barons and slavery, a tour along two coasts

St. Lucia: the famous Pitons, spectacular scenery where the mountains meet the oceans, an excellent nature walk

Antigua: an ecotour via boat: outlying islands, rock formations, vegetation and wild life, swimming and snorkeling

St. Maarten: Dutch and French influences, a nice cafe, strolling and shopping

Days and Nights at Sea on the Celebrity Summit


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Fifteen members of our extended family celebrated Thanksgiving with great food and company at Tim and Megan’s home in Maryland.  It was great to be back together again (and for Holly to meet members of the Deppen side of the family).   Food, conversation, laughter, and general camaraderie made for a great holiday.

click here for lots more pictures! (the final picture is a brief video that reflects the general hilarity)



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Readers of this blog may have recognized that Spy Rock is my favorite Nelson County hike.  I can’t remember how many times I’ve climbed it to enjoy its incredible 360 degree view, mostly of Blue Ridge wilderness.  This was my second time with Holly.  A lovely October day.


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After extensive rains before and during Hurricane Joaquim, we ventured out to check out the Tye River, which was certainly the highest I’ve seen it since moving here.  At the AT suspension bridge over the river, we were surprised and impressed to see a group of kayakers who’d come up from the Tidewater area negotiating the raging river with apparent ease.  Inside at Silver Creek orchards, we stocked up on apples.  The sun returned the next day.  We were fortunate not to have the kind of extensive flooding that occurred in South Carolina.

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My niece Emily stopped by for a brief visit as she was relocating from Chicago to Florida.  We had a great time catching up and found enough time to take The Plunge trail at Wintergreen, which leads steeply down to an overlook with striking views eastward across the Rockfish Valley and to the Blue Ridge Mountains to the southeast.

click here for more pictures posted to Facebook (no login required)




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Cold Mountain, in neighboring Amherst County, has a long sloping meadow plateau extending north from its 4022 foot summit, which often reminds hikers of a similar scene in the play and movie, Sound of Music.  I’ve hiked it several times before, but this was the first time with Holly.  Despite its magisterial views, it is a fairly easy hike just over a mile from the north along the Appalachian Trail from a forest service road.  A great place for a leisurely picnic!

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We stayed relatively close to home over the summer, but did take short trips to West Virginia (for Holly’s annual family reunion), to Richmond for three days, and to the relatively nearby James River State Park.  We were both impressed by how much Richmond has been changing (though celebrations of its confederate past remain very much in evidence, most notably along Monument Boulevard).  We enjoyed meeting a friend of Holly’s from early college days, walking the suspension foot bridge to Belle Isle, where Union prisoners were kept and where many died.  Earlier Holly and I toured the American Civil War Center which, quite correctly in my view, underlines the central role of slavery in virtually all the conflicts that led to the Civil War.  We walked and enjoyed the relatively new Canal Walk along the James River waterfront, with both historical signs and contemporary popular art, having a nice lunch on the patio of an old warehouse along the way.  We visited St. John’s Episcopal Church, where Patrick Henry made his famous speech and which is currently undergoing extensive renovation, looking quite like, apart from size, our local Grace Episcopal Church.  And we had a nice riverside dinner at the recently-developed area known as Rocketts Landing, down the River away.

click here for more Richmond pictures


In early August Holly and I drove over to the James River State Park, where we rented a canoe and drifted and paddled down the James River, to be picked up and returned from a landing aways down.  We also took a short hike to the Tye River Overlook, which faces out to the point where the Tye River comes down to the James.  It’s a bucolic scene, but a sign reminds one that during the 1969 Hurricane Camille and the subsequently flooding, the tremendous volume of water pouring down the Tye River resulted in the James River flowing back upward for eight miles or so.

click here for more James River State Park Pictures

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Earlier in the summer Holly and I drove up to the area where Holly’s mother’s family (the Molers) came from in West Virginia, where each summer Moler descendents gather to renew acquaintances and share lots of Southern food.  A welcoming experience, including the one Holly, Constance and I received sitting in the traditional Moler pew in church the next morning.

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Holly added a flower garden below the veggie one

It was a good year for flowers–plenty of rain, enough sun, not too hot.  But things were more complicated in the vegetable garden, with alternating long periods of dryness and continuous rains that upended its usual flow.  Tomato hornworms decimated our tomato plants, and Japanese and Mexican bean beetles did in a good part of the later-developing string bean crop and all of the lima beans.  An early dry spell made our snap peas tougher and less plump than usual and a later one put an end to originally-promising cucumber and squash production.  Extreme wetness in June appears to have wrought extensive rotting in what looked otherwise like a very promising garlic crop.  As a former teacher used to grading, I would say it was a C+ year.  We were able to enjoy some fresh vegetables and to give and can and freeze some away, but at a level well below the norm of previous years.  But the flower gardens bloomed nicely through spring and summer.

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Wildlife remained plentiful

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Beauties of Spring

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Summer’s Bounty

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This year’s best new crop award: “Cute Stuff Bell Peppers”
(amazingly early and prolific)

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Family and friends gathered here on Saturday, July 18th, to wish Nic and Alison the best in their new life in New Haven, Connecticut, where Nic was beginning a two-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at Yale University.  They left with a 26 foot truck the following Tuesday, and are now happily ensconced in their new home.

see more pictures from the party here

In May, Holly, John and I joined Holly’s sisters Constance and Pat and Holly’s daughter Lyara in visiting Kansas relatives and celebrating Elizabeth’s graduation from high school.  It was a lovely time, despite the (happily unfufilled) tornado warnings!

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 click here for more pictures

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