Holly and I recently returned from an eight-day nature tour of Costa Rica.  We had a great time!  The landscapes, flora and fauna were all incredible in their diversity, complexity, and beauty.  With expert guides, our eyes were opened and directed to some of the most amazing things we’ve ever seen.  Needless to say, we took lots of pictures–so many that it seems best to divide them into the categories below.  For each set, click on the indicated link.

Poas and Arenal Volcanoes

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Virtually all mountains in Costa Rica are of volcanic origin, and are either active, dormant, or extinct.  We were able to hike to the rim of Poas Volcano (8,885 feet), about an hour from San Jose, and to view over the course of several days, the classically-sculpted Arenal Volcano ( 5479  ft) near the town of La Fortuna.  Both are often hidden by clouds, but we were extremely fortunate to see both in beautiful weather (we were visiting towards the end of the Costa Rican dry season, which helped).

click here for more pictures of the Poas and Arenal Volcanoes

Wildlife River Cruises

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We took two river cruises, one on Rio Frio up to the Nicaraguan border, the other on the Tarcoles River.  Both were great for birds, monkeys, and reptiles, including caimans and crocodiles.  We did not have high-powered cameras, but considering everything we feel we did pretty well.

click here for more pictures of Wildlife River Cruises

Tropical Forests: Rain, Cloud, Transitional

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We learned that Costa Rica has a variety of types of forests.  We hiked the Escalonia Cloud Forest Trail on the side of the Poas Volcano; hiked and crossed many hanging bridges in the tropical rain forest in the Arenal Volcano and Manuel Antonio National Parks, and rode an aerial tram through and above a dry transitional forest (albeit with a beautiful waterfall).  Due to climate change, the famous Monteverdi cloud forest is becoming a rain forest, as the clouds and moisture move higher up the mountains.

click here for more pictures of tropical forests

Specialty Stops Along the Way

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A few of the stops along the way: an animal rescue “zoo”; the Doka water-powered coffee plantation; an oxcart factory (also water-powered); a regional church and its topiary; a large-scale hot springs resort in La Fortuna, heated by the Arenal volcano.

click here for more pictures of specialty stops along the way

Where We Stayed: Beautiful Hotels, Pools, and Gardens

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On most trips, this wouldn’t rate a mention, but the hotels we stayed at (with the exception of the Quality Inn the last night) were incredible: beautiful facilities, views, and tropical gardens.  Much more than a place to sleep after a busy day, they were an important part of our Costa Rica experience.

click here for pictures of hotel facilities and gardens

The tour is offered by Caravan Tours.  Our excellent tour director was Fiorella Matarrita. (more…)


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Apart from a few flurries, our first snow of the season came on February 16-17.  At about six inches, it was nothing compared to what New England has been getting, but digging out the driveway was nonetheless good exercise.  Snow always gives our Nelson County landscapes a special grandeur and texture.









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In late January, Holly and I took Amtrak to New York City to spend five days visiting Eleanor and exploring the city.  Highlights included the Museum of Natural History/Hayden Planetarium, Ellis Island, the views from the “Top of the Rock,” exploring various city neighborhoods, eating well at neat restaurants, stocking up at Zabar’s, and getting to see Justin and Katherine along with Eleanor.  We left on the day the “snowstorm of the century” was expected to arrive, but the storm veered out to sea and New York City got less than a foot of snow.

click here for pictures of our trip
(courtesy of Holly and her cellphone)

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Above: Megan prepares her fabulous chocolate crust for her Grand Marnier Torte; First arrivals for Spanish seafood soup supper; preparing pies made from fresh pumpkins and apples.

Below: Tim takes charge of the turkey; Holly decorates the table; pies and desserts multiply.

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Above: Holly, her sister Constance, Marybeth, Alison, Tim, Megan, Katherine, Justin, Lew, Martha, Nic, Eleanor, Bob (invisible taking pictures, but appears below).

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Above: Bob and Wednesday arrivals; Monika’s Holiday Cactus continues to bloom, as do our memories.

We expected 15, but unfortunately both Kristina and Holly’s son John came down with the flu or some similar malady at the last moment.  But it was a lovely gathering and the food, contributed by all, was plentiful and great!

For a year that started so tragically, I feel I have much to be thankful for.

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Hiking up Turk Mountain in Shenandoah National Park in early November

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Hiking up Sharp Top Mountain, one of the Peaks of Otter, in mid-November with Bob A., who found a recliner along the way!

click here for more pictures of climbing Sharp Top Mountain

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Monika’s family graciously invited Holly and me to come to Germany to visit the family and to travel around a bit.  We spent two full weeks there in October.  I visited Monika’s 95 year-old mother several times, and we spent many happy hours with Monika’s two sisters and family members.  One of Monika’s nephews generously gave up his apartment in Munich for us for several days.  We toured several local towns in Lower Bavaria, spent four days in the Austrian Alps, stopping off at the formidable fortress of Hohenwerfen on the way back,  and took a castle tour in Upper Bavaria, including Oberammergau and the famous fantasy castles of King Ludwig II, Linderhof and Neuschwanstein (which prohibit taking pictures inside).  Click on the subject titles below for collections of pictures by both Holly and me.

Austrian Alps/Hohenwerfen Fortress     Linderhof, Oberammergau and Neuschwanstein

Munich     Lower Bavarian Towns (Landshut, Burghausen, Straubing, Dingolfing)



   table-plaque Plaque

When Monika and I were looking for a new home in Nelson County in 2008-9, we came across a lovely trail in the Rockfish Valley which led to a stunning view of Three Ridges Mountain.  Monika loved the place, and we often took a picnic lunch there.  One day the picnic table was gone.  While we continued to walk the trail periodically, we missed a place to sit and enjoy the view.  (Monika was a great believer in benches, as well as tables.)

After Monika died in January, it occurred to me that a new picnic table at this special place would be an appropriate memorial to this extraordinary woman, who became in a few short years so deeply beloved by so many people throughout Nelson County.  So I approached Peter Agelasto and his Rockfish Vallley Foundation about sponsoring a new table there.  Peter swung into action immediately, arranging for a group of Future Farmers of America students at the county high school to construct a table.  I arranged for a bronze plaque from an engraving company in Lynchburg.  Our wonderful rector at Grace Church, Marion Kanour, agreed to lead a dedication, which took place yesterday, on November 1, 2014, with many friends and family from near and afar.  While the day was chilly and windy, we were spared rain and the views at and along the way to the table were beautiful.  I hope the pictures below convey some sense of the mix of sadness, appreciation, and celebration that we all felt in coming together to dedicate this memorial for Monika, a woman of extraordinary love, compassion, and energy.

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tim-megan-group circle marion

crowd talking cal-dee

nic bob kids

click on images for larger pictures

FFA students

Special thanks to he FFA students who built the table! Here they pose with the newly-constructed table on Peter Agelasto’s truck.

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This past summer Holly took me up to the Delaware eastern shore to meet her longtime friends Barb and Robert.  We had a delightful time and in early October they visited us.  In addition to an antique show in the Shenandoah Valley, we took them to The Plunge hike at Wintergreen and enjoyed a picnic lunch and a walk around Sherando Lake on a beautiful fall day.  Later: Dinner with two of Holly’s sisters.

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